| 1298 SQFT | 3 Bedrooms | 2.5 Baths

| 1298 SQFT | 3 Bedrooms | 2.5 Baths

| 1298 SQFT
| 3 Bedrooms
| 2.5 Baths

Home Model Highlights

  • Open concept design with front-facing great room
  • Spacious mudroom/walk-in closet at rear entrance
  • Primary bedroom includes walk-in closet and ensuite
  • 40-gallon hot water tank
  • 4″ MDF baseboards
  • 1-2-5-10 National Home Warranty

Home Model Floorplans

Availability of layout options are subject to change based on factors such as but not limited to home model, interior selections, and lot selection. Photos and renders are for illustrative purposes only.

Mortgage Calculator

Down payment
Interest rate (annual %)
Amortization (years)
Mortgage payments
Rental income
Type of suite
Net payments
Rental income estimates subject to change. This is not an offer of mortgage and is not binding. Calculation above does not account for any Insurer Premiums. Please confirm qualification and rates with a mortgage specialist.

Request Information

Allan Hayes

Qualico Realty Services (Manitoba) LTD.

Allan Hayes

Qualico Realty Services (Manitoba) LTD.