The Benefits of Buying a New Home

Sometimes people aren’t sure if they should purchase an existing house and renovate it or if they should start from scratch and build a new one. Often times buyers choose to build new because they get to choose exactly the floor plan that meets their lifestyle, as well as choose color selections and finishes that reflect their personalities.
Aside from design, new homes are now easy to maintain and are energy efficient. New homeowners are also worry-free with builders offering home warranties as a standard, compared to buyers of used homes.

Here are some of the key benefits of a new home provided by the Manitoba Home Builders Association:
Exterior Walls
Exterior walls are now 50% thicker, which allows for 50% more insulation to be used.
Polyethylene Vapor Barriers
Polyethylene vapor barriers are 300% thicker than in older homes. New techniques for installing this vapor barrier result in draft-free and energy-efficient homes that are sealed from outside noises.
Basement Walls
Basement walls are now studded and insulated giving home owners a chance to start planning for a future recreation room.
Most modern homes are energy-efficient triple-sealed glass units or dual-sealed Low-E. These units, while more expensive than the older slider windows, are technologically far superior. Most windows that are manufactured with PVC frames and energy efficiency substantially reduce/eliminate condensation issues.
Are now made of insulated steel/fiberglass, which is energy efficient, warp-free, and easier to seal than a wooden door.
Are more energy efficient today. Because of the introduction of improved furnaces – often 90 to 94 percent efficient – along with better windows, insulation, and sealing techniques, modern homes use far less fuel, a development that is cheaper for owners and far better for the environment.
Old houses are notorious wasters of diminishing global energy resources and increasing greenhouse gases.
Advances in Fastening Techniques
Resulting in sub-floors that are now screw-nailed to the joists, virtually eliminating squeaks that used to be so prevalent. The drywall is now screw-nailed instead of nailed to minimize nail pops.
Under Floor Drains
That formerly channeled run-off water to an open basement floor now drains run-off water directly to a sealed sump pump that diverts it to the outside lawn. This prevents the overloading of expensive sewage treatment facilities and stops radon from spreading from the under-floor drainpipes to the living quarters.
The design of new homes has changed dramatically to reflect today’s lifestyles. Many homes now incorporate extra storage and closets, entertainment areas, home offices, exercise rooms and upgraded kitchen and eating layouts.
Some of these features were considered unimportant just a few years ago. Additionally, major changes have taken place in the last 10 years in colour patterns, floor coverings, carpet colours and textures, kitchen cabinet designs, lighting styles and bath fixture colours. Exterior designs are also evolving.

Some buyers will take the time to research the costs associated with all the repairs needed to go into an older home and will begin to realize that repairs can often require tens of thousands of dollars in maintenance. Buying a new home will give them peace of mind and long-term security from costly repairs, as well as leaving the buyers with comfort and stability knowing that their hard-earned money can go towards something else in the future.