

We’ve compiled some helpful home maintenance tips to ensure the best care for your new or existing home.

Helpful hint! Check your manufacturers warranty manuals for all major appliances (ie: furnace, HRV, HWT, A/C) for proper care and maintenance instructions.

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Kitchens & Cabinets

< 1 min read

Clean countertops as needed with mild detergent or soap & water (sparingly.) Use a lint-free cloth for both washing & drying. Wipe up spills, splatters & watermarks as they occur, keeping countertop surfaces dry. Give special attention to areas near sink and dishwasher that come in contact with moisture.

Clean cabinets as needed with mild detergent or soap & water (sparingly.) Use a lint-free cloth for both washing & drying. Wipe up spills, splatters & watermarks as they occur, keeping cabinets surfaces dry. Give special attention to areas near sink and dishwasher that contact with moisture.

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